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Friday, September 10, 2010 Y 9:07 PM

term 3 week 10 learning log
today we had our rehearsal at the music room and teacher ask us whether we had our costume on and why we did nt bring?all the wardrobe ic was blame but teacher just tell us there is rehearsal but never tell us to bring any coostume! but we should had knew it on our own!mr tyrus chua doesn't look happy but we continued with our rehearsal.luckily our group was the last so no one saw when we act.which was luckily, i think we shouldn't had this performance as we are not actors and doesn't wish to be one .but this is also good as it makes us understand the scene well and memories it so we will do better in exam.we should also let everyone act as these is a group work so it is fair and good.people tends to force people when they doesn't want to be one and the people with more manpower win!which it isn't fair!i wish we coiuld improve on it.some people could not memoriZE everthing as it was a lot and we still can't see the script so i think this is unreasonable.i think all marks should focus on test marks which will let us execl better.but tooo bad it took up 70% of our marks.== sad sia.anyway this is it !~~


the moment,mr chua came in he gave us our test marks and i was quite happy with it but i think i will still need to improve. i got 18/20 and the highest was 19/20 whihc was reneita and i think it is great but i thought it would be pei qing .later we see the romeo and juliet performance the first was a very noisy atmosphere but later it become a romantic atmosphere which means when people is in different atmosphere we need to change with it .so it will be better.it couldn't be when people is crying you put a noisy song so we need to put a sad song.so it will be better.teacher think we sohuld improve on our performance and i also think so.we should work hard to give the best performance.

Saturday, August 28, 2010 Y 11:07 PM

term 3 week 9 learning log
we had our test and mr tyrus came in the class and gave out the testpaper.and explained to us and point out saying that must remember your pee it means point,evidence and explanation.suddenly,a lady teacher came in to our class and wait there and teacher quickly explain and rush out of the class.and the teacher took over and told us to start the paper.shit! i think the paper was quite difficult.i scared i cant get a good grade.i finish it ten mintues before the ending time.i saw a lot of people sleeping. i was hardworking ,i checked the paper again and again.and the class ended and teacher collected the paper and a lot of people was disscusing the paper.
teacher gave a worksheet about a picture and it shows a african boy and a vulture.and we were encouraged to say what we saw in the picture but elaborate it and he gave us some examples and told us to do the questions.and i wrote thatthe african boy was starving and praying the god to give him some food and water,and the vulture was waiting for the boy to die which was quite correct.and this picture was a winning picture around the world.mr tyrus also say that this person who took this photo commit sucide after being critisize by others as he did not help the boy but just capture the photo and walk away.i was shock! commit sucide just because of this small matter.but we humans should not critisize one another but respect each other.maybe he did not help because he had some other reason.our homework was the last two question which i don't really understand as teacher never say specificly.that's all! remember to pass up the homework on monday/

Y 10:30 PM

term 3 week 8 learning log
today mr tyrus came with mr narz into the class.i as like what?what is he doing here and he is not our litreature teacher.i thought he will be our new litreature teacher.so mr narz was standing by the side while mr tyrus gave out worksheet for the mighty mandrain and explain to us what was it about and ask us whether we have anything we don't know about.and he just rush out of the classroom and mr narz talk over.so he is not the new teacher,he was just reliefing us as mr tyrus have something important.so mr narz call us to do our homework quietly and don't change seat.so we all did our homework quietly and finish it on time.but we were not quiet noisy as we was only warn two times.i think my class is good today
today we was given back our litreature are u lonesome tonight worksheet2 to go through as we had a test on monday.and teacher ask us who got a worksheet staple together and jalilah stand up.and scolded putri as she photostap jalilah's work and some of them copied too.i was shock and can't imagine my class copying.and teacher scoled them and it was time consuming.so we went back to our lesson after scolding.teacher then gave us a homework and that was about essay writing.and we are suppose to give to the teacher next week.i think the students should have integrity and learn not to copy other people homework.it is an easy thing to do but think about the consequences.

Y 10:05 PM

term3 week 7 learning log
woo! did not come to school because it is singapore's bithday.anyway good la! so we miss one lesson because of this.wish singapore hppy birthday.

hehe!first rehearsal on our performance.we assembled at the Community Emergency Preparedness Programme to rehearse as the place is big and wide.so we was line up in our respective own group.teacher then randomly tell us where should our group rehearse and izyanti's group got the best place it was the stage.so my group was near the so call garden.so all the non-actors will have to give us feedback on how to act better and i think it is extra as we are not professional actors so we will not act greatly.and we started reading our script.all the group members gave me the same comments and it is either too soft or not to be shy ,no emotion all that.which i don't really care as they are the one who forced to be juliet and i was ont a professional actor so i tend to be shy and talk very softly wat!so what can i do ,we are not acting wat!after 30 mins,we assembled at the stage and mr tyrus chua called out random register number to say their comments about the actor.alot of people talk very softly and were scolded by the teacher.teacher called out alot of actors which will not have to write comments.so non-actors have to give the comments to the director.directors was ask to stay back as teacher want to discuss somethings with them.and the class end like that.i know i did not speack very loudly as we have to say alot of mushy things but i will speack more loudly next time and have more emotions all that.i think we should have more rehearsel like that,as it is good for us .but a waste of time.

Thursday, August 5, 2010 Y 10:25 PM

term 3 week 6 learning log
hehe~never come to school today so miss the litreature lesson.but i did get the worksheet to from wei sheng.but i did not give up the are u lonesome tonight scene 2 to teacher because no one tell me about it they only say got homework.i hope teacher dont scold me .the homwork is writing a letter to the lonesome guy.i think i will get very low marks as i did not comfort him but just keep saying about the drug harming people hehe~.byebye
haizzz~today vivien let me see the costume i am going to wear .i was going to vomit sia! nice bbut i cant imagine me wearing it.they force me to be the character sia! i hate them!i hate it! then finally we continue with our lesson,today we started a new chapter the mighty mandarin.teacher call the first row to be fu and the second wu then....so funny sia then we keeep reading la then teacher be sung and sang so funny sia when it is going to end he act like girl then the whole class had a realxing and fun lesson.but the drawing i dont know whether need to colour or not so i colour it la.the worksheet 1 so difficult difficult sia.i still dont know how to do but i got do some.byebye!

Thursday, July 29, 2010 Y 5:46 AM

term 3 week 5 learning log

haizz.all the same again,scolding passing up homework and everything.we were then distributed homework for the scene 2.it should be handed on the tray before lesson start next week.monday should hand up.then we were showed videos of last year work on merchant of venice and romeo and juliet.teacher show us some good ones from 2 commitment.the merchant of venice one was so exciting as their costumes were nice,they have scales,knife to cut antonio flesh and guards.but their voice were vey soft they were like mumbling.it was quite boring as they were just talking and moving around.teachesay it was not too good as they rent out the shirts and the teacher willl have trouble assesing them.and their wardrobe will nto have to do anything.the romeo and juliet was quite exciting,as the starting it was people dancing in the ball.but the thing is they hold hands and kiss all that very disgusting sia! but very fake also lah! can see that they put alot of effort in it.so thats was the end.


we greeted the teacher and sat down and continue with our scene 3.we started on a new scene .we had learn alot of things today as teacher explained alot of things for this scene,and i quickly worte it down on my handout.all the pages was filled with words.woo!so many treasure today.teacher said that people who had already wrote down are very smart.so i am one of them hahas.he reminded everyone to write it down.and we almost finish the scene.i also learn that elvis was a person who do not treasure things as for the cadillac he blew it up just a few weeks .he do not treaure the things he love like cadillac last time he love it until he did not bear to drive it but jus admiring it but now he blew it up just a few weeks,like he loves redhead but he did not treasure her but think she only wants her fortune.elvis like to exxagerate.today so happy learn a lot of things as i always like to learn.so the lesson ended peacefully.byebye!

Y 5:30 AM

term 3 week 4 learning log
today we greeted our teacher as usual.so teacher told us not to sit down but remain standing.teacher wanted to check who was not passing up their homework.quite a number of students did not pass up as some of them went for the ncc camp and was unable to pass up and they end up scolded.after scolding,teacher let us not to see the handout and ask us question for the scene 2.i was called and was required to answer the question and was able to sit down.hahs i got read one so i know.this question were to refresh our mind and remember i also allow us to think and make us moer easier when we are doing the homework he gave us.serious!pay attention during class and u will find it more easier to understand your homework and it allow u to think.what a good recapping of the handout!like this way man!so we proceed with our passage and the class ended like that.thats all~

hahas hahas!mr tyrus chua did not come! so shock first time he did not come.alot of students cheered loudly and happily.a relief teacher came in and we did our own things quietly.wish mr tyrus will not come for a few more lesson!hahas just kidding.


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